Recette Black IPA de Hughes

  • 6 août 2020
  • Style : IPA Belge
  • Méthode : Tout grain
  • Fermentation : Ale
  • Volume : 23.0 L
  • Efficacité d'empâtage : 52 %
  • Efficacité de la brasserie : 50.9 %

Densité initiale
Densité finale
38 EBC
67 IBU
Ratio IBU/DI
5.0 %
Coût total

Céréales et sucres

Quantité Nom Malterie Forme Addition Couleur Proportions Coût total
6.5 kg Pale Malt (2 Row) Bel Grains - 3 EBC 93.5 % -
Base malt for all beer stylesHigher potential yield than US, English equivalent pale ale malts
250 g Chocolate Malt Grains - 450 EBC 3.6 % -
Dark malt that gives a rich red or brown color and nutty flavor.Use for: Brown ales, porters, some stoutsMaintains some malty flavor, not as dark as roasted malt.
200 g Carafa Special III (Weyermann) Weyermann Grains - 470 EBC 2.9 % -
De-husked chocolate malt for a smoother flavour. Dark version. Adds color and aroma. Dark beers, Alts, Bockbiers


Quantité Nom Forme Alpha Addition Temps IBU Coût total
22 g Magnum Pellets 12.0 % Ébullition 70 minutes 32.9 -
High-alpha hop with clean, neutral bitterness. Can be used in almost any recipe.Used for: Ale, Lager, Stout, hefeweizen, IPA, BitterAroma: No distinctive aroma characteristicsSubstitutions: German Magnum, CTZ, NuggetStorage: Excellent/Very good (80%-85% AA after 6 months at 20 C)10-14% AA / 4.5-7% Beta
30 g Citra Pellets 12.8 % Ébullition 10 minutes 16 -
Special aroma hops released in 2007. Imparts high alpha/oil content but low cohumulone.Aroma: Adds interesting citrus and tropical fruit character to the beer. Substitutes: Unknown
45.6 g Citra Pellets 12.8 % Hors flamme 10 minutes 12 -
Special aroma hops released in 2007. Imparts high alpha/oil content but low cohumulone.Aroma: Adds interesting citrus and tropical fruit character to the beer. Substitutes: Unknown
40 g Amarillo Pellets 8.4 % Hors flamme 10 minutes 6.9 -
Discovered and introduced by Vigil Gamache Farms Inc. in Washington State. Character similar to Cascade. Often used as a late kettle or dry hop addition to American style Pale Ales and IPA’s due to its signature aroma characteristics. Used for both bitterness and aroma.Used for: IPAs, AlesAroma: Intensely fruity (citrus, melon, and stone friuts), floral, tropical notes.Substitutes: Cascade, Centennial, SimcoeStorage: Good8-11% AA / 6-7% Beta
45 g Citra Pellets 12.8 % Houblonnage à cru 0 minutes 0 -
Special aroma hops released in 2007. Imparts high alpha/oil content but low cohumulone.Aroma: Adds interesting citrus and tropical fruit character to the beer. Substitutes: Unknown
Houblonnage à cru : 1.96 g/l


Quantité Nom Addition Temps Coût total
14 g Lactic Acid Empâtage 60 minutes -
Used to lower the pH of the mash without altering the water profile. Lower pH mashes generally improves head retention, increases extraction rate.
4 g Irish Moss Ébullition 15 minutes -
Fining agent that aids in the post-boil protein break. Reduces protein chill haze and improves beer clarity.


Quantité Nom Laboratoire Forme Coût total
50 ml US-05 Safale American DCL/Fermentis Sèche -
American ale yeast that produces well balanced beers with low diacetyl and a very clean, crisp end palate.

Efficacité d'empâtage : 52%

Ratio eau/grain de départ : 2.5 L/kg

pH : 5.4

    Concasser les grains
    Palier Saccharification à 65°C pendant 75 minutes
    Palier Mash out à 75°C pendant 10 minutes
    Filtrer et rincer les drêches avec 15.8 L d'eau à 75.6°C

Temperature mash for use when mashing in a brew pot over a heat source such as the stove. Use heat to maintain desired temperature during the mash.

Volume d'ébullition : 26.9 L

Temps d'ébullition : 60 minutes

Densité avant ébullition : 1.041

    Porter le moût à ébullition
    Ajouter les : 22 g de Magnum
    Minuteur 55 minutes
    Ajouter les : 4 g de Irish Moss
    Minuteur 5 minutes
    Ajouter les : 30 g de Citra
    Minuteur 10 minutes
    Éteindre la source de chaleur
    Ajouter les : 45.6 g de Citra, 40 g de Amarillo
    Minuteur 10 minutes
    Faire refroidir le moût

Primaire : 7 jours à environ 20.0°C

Secondaire : 7 jours à environ 18.0°C

Garde en bouteille : 4 jours à environ 2.0°C

Carbonatation : 2.3 volumes

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