Recette Trappiste

  • 11 novembre 2020
  • Style : Belge Triple (Tripel)
  • Méthode : Tout grain
  • Fermentation : Ale
  • Volume : 24.0 L
  • Efficacité d'empâtage : 73 %
  • Efficacité de la brasserie : 73.7 %

Densité initiale
Densité finale
14 EBC
34 IBU
Ratio IBU/DI
8.0 %
Coût total

Céréales et sucres

Quantité Nom Malterie Forme Addition Couleur Proportions Coût total
5.5 kg Pilsner (2 Row) Bel Grains - 3 EBC 62.5 % -
Belgian base malt for Continental lagers
1 kg Wheat Malt, Bel Grains - 3 EBC 11.4 % -
Malted wheat for use in Wheat beers
800 g Rye Malt Grains - 9 EBC 9.1 % -
Adds a dry, crisp character to the beer. Yields a deep red color, and a distinctive rye flavorMust limit to 10-15% fo the mash as it tends to produce "stuck" mashes.
500 g Biscuit Malt Grains - 45 EBC 5.7 % -
Use for English ales, brown ales and porters.Adds a biscuit like flavor and aroma.Can be used as a substitute for toasted malt.
400 g Brown Sugar, Light Sucre - 15 EBC 4.5 % -
Imparts a rich sweet flavor. Used in Scottish ales, holiday ales and some old ales.
300 g Barley, Flaked Grains - 3 EBC 3.4 % -
Adds significant body to Porters and Stouts. High haze producing protein prevents use in light beers.
300 g Oats, Flaked Grains - 1 EBC 3.4 % -
Adds body, mouth feel and head retention to the beerUsed in oatmeal stouts and portersAdds substantial protein haze to light beersProtein rest recommended unless flakes are pregelatinized


Quantité Nom Forme Alpha Addition Temps IBU Coût total
40 g Brewer's Gold, UK Pellets 7.5 % Ébullition 60 minutes 27.8 -
Brewers Gold is a complex bittering hop that is noted to have a sharp or pungent bittering quality. It also imparts a fruity yet spicy aroma as well as having a black currant characteristic. It is on the low end of the bittering hop scale at 8 to 10% AAU typically. Brewers Gold can be used in a wide range of styles from English Ales to German Lagers and adds a decidely 'European' element to the beer. These make a good partner to noble varieties such as Tettnang and Hallertauer.Used for: English Ale, German LagersSubstitutions: Bullion, Chinook, Galena
30 g Saaz Pellets 3.8 % Ébullition 10 minutes 3.4 -
This traditional variety from the Czech Republic is grown on a limited basis in the U.S. A classic noble aroma that is famously used in Pilsners.Used for: Bohemian-style beers, Continental lagers, Wheats, Pilsener lagers, Ales, PilsnersAroma: Seasoned herbal characterSubstitiutions: Czech Saaz, Polish Lublin, SterlingStorage: Poor2-6% AA / 3-4.5% Beta
30 g Saaz Pellets 3.8 % Hors flamme 20 minutes 2.8 -
This traditional variety from the Czech Republic is grown on a limited basis in the U.S. A classic noble aroma that is famously used in Pilsners.Used for: Bohemian-style beers, Continental lagers, Wheats, Pilsener lagers, Ales, PilsnersAroma: Seasoned herbal characterSubstitiutions: Czech Saaz, Polish Lublin, SterlingStorage: Poor2-6% AA / 3-4.5% Beta


Quantité Nom Laboratoire Forme Coût total
22 g M47 Belgian Abbey Mangrove Jack's Sèche -
AROMA CHARACTERISTICS:Belgian Tripel has a fantastic heavily fruity aroma, married perfectly with light spiceand esters it is massively complex, spicy, estery and phenolic.FLAVOR/MOUTHFEEL CHARACTERISTICS:Belgian beers fermented with this strain will finish phenolic and dry, they will alsoexhibit fruity and a very complex ester characters. These characters exhibit intobeautiful marriage of spice, fruit estery alcohol goodness.HIGHER ALCOHOL BEERS:High alcohol beers are this strain’s bread and butter, with a high alcohol tolerance,strong beers just create excellent flavor and aroma characteristics.

Eau - Profil cible

Ca2+ Mg2+ Na+ SO42- Cl- HCO3-
56.0 33.6 4.0 24.2 32.3 1.3

Efficacité d'empâtage : 73%

Ratio eau/grain de départ : 2.5 L/kg

pH : 5.4

    Concasser les grains
    Faire chauffer 21 L d'eau à 74.4°C
    Palier Saccharification à 67°C pendant 60 minutes
    Palier Mash Out à 75°C pendant 15 minutes
    Filtrer et rincer les drêches avec 16.6 L d'eau à 75.0°C

Temperature mash for use when mashing in a brew pot over a heat source such as the stove. Use heat to maintain desired temperature during the mash.

Volume d'ébullition : 30 L

Temps d'ébullition : 60 minutes

Densité avant ébullition : 1.066

    Porter le moût à ébullition
    Ajouter les : 40 g de Brewer's Gold, UK
    Minuteur 50 minutes
    Ajouter les : 30 g de Saaz
    Minuteur 10 minutes
    Éteindre la source de chaleur
    Ajouter les : 30 g de Saaz
    Minuteur 20 minutes
    Faire refroidir le moût

Primaire : 4 jours à environ 19.4°C

Secondaire : 10 jours à environ 19.4°C

Garde en bouteille : 30 jours à environ 18.3°C

Carbonatation : 2.3 volumes

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