Quantité | Nom | Malterie | Forme | Addition | Couleur | Proportions | Coût total |
1.2 kg | Honey | Sucre | - | 1 EBC | 100 % | - | |
Can be used to lighten flavor and body when substituted for malt.Generally limit to 30% when used as an adjunct. Pasturize and add to primary during fermentation. Use up to 100% for meads. |
Quantité | Nom | Addition | Temps | Coût total |
4 g | Yeast Nutrient | Primaire | 3 jours | - |
Gives yeast nutrients for healthy fermentation. Not needed for most beers, but good for those with a high percentage of adjuncts. Add before yeast. |
Simple single infusion mash for use with most modern well modified grains (about 95% of the time).