Configuration :

Recette oatmeal stout

  • Style : Stout à l'Avoine (Oatmeal Stout)
  • Méthode : Tout grain
  • Fermentation : Ale
  • Volume : 21.0 L
  • Efficacité d'empâtage : 80%
  • Efficacité de la brasserie : 63.8%
  • Ratio IBU/DI : 0.90
  • Coût total : -

Céréales et sucres

Quantité Nom Malterie Forme Addition Couleur Proportions Coût total
4 kg Pale Malt (2 Row) Bel Grains - 5 EBC 72.7 % -
Base malt for all beer stylesHigher potential yield than US, English equivalent pale ale malts
500 g Oats, Flaked Grains - 1 EBC 9.1 % -
Adds body, mouth feel and head retention to the beerUsed in oatmeal stouts and portersAdds substantial protein haze to light beersProtein rest recommended unless flakes are pregelatinized
400 g Caramel/Crystal Malt - 60L Grains - 118 EBC 7.3 % -
Adds body, color and improves head retention.Also called "Crystal" malt.
300 g Chocolate Malt Grains - 886 EBC 5.5 % -
Dark malt that gives a rich red or brown color and nutty flavor.Use for: Brown ales, porters, some stoutsMaintains some malty flavor, not as dark as roasted malt.
100 g Acid Malt Grains - 5 EBC 1.8 % -
Acid malt contains acids from natural lactic acids. Used by German brewers to adjust malt PH without chemicals to adhere to German purity laws. Also enhances the head retention.
100 g Black (Patent) Malt Grains - 985 EBC 1.8 % -
Dark color and dry roasted flavor characteristic of Stouts and PortersUse for: Coloring in small amounts, or flavoring of Stouts and Porters in larger amounts.
100 g Black Barley (Stout) Grains - 985 EBC 1.8 % -
Unmalted barley roasted at high temperature to create a dry, coffee like flavor.Imparts a sharp acrid flavor characteristic of dry stouts.Gives "dryness" to a stout or porter -- much more so than regular Roasted Barley


Quantité Nom Forme Alpha Addition Temps IBU Coût total
23 g Nugget Pellets 11.4 % Pré-ébullition 80 minutes 40.4 -
Used for: Bittering hops for alesAroma: Strong bittering, heavy, herbal aroma, spicySubstitutes: ChinookExamples: Sierra Nevada Porter
20 g Fuggle Pellets 5.0 % Ébullition 10 minutes 4.4 -
Traditional English-type aroma hop.Used for: English Ales, ESB, Bitter, LagersAroma: Mild, soft, fruity, spicy, woodySubstitute: Fuggle (U.S.), Willamette, Styrian GoldingStorage: Good/Very Good (70-80% AA after 6 months at 20 C)3-5.6% AA 2-3% Beta


Quantité Nom Addition Temps Coût total
5 g Irish Moss Ébullition 15 minutes -
Fining agent that aids in the post-boil protein break. Reduces protein chill haze and improves beer clarity.


Quantité Nom Laboratoire Forme Coût total
24 ml - Nottingham Yeast Lallemand Sèche -
High flocculation - settles quickly. Very good reputation as a fast starter and quick fermenter. Clean and only slightly fruity. Some nutty flavor in bottled version. Relatively high attenuation.


    Concasser les grains
    Faire chauffer 13.8 L d'eau à 74.4°C
    Palier saccharification à 67°C pendant 70 minutes
    Palier mash out à 78°C pendant 10 minutes
    Filtrer et rincer les drêches avec 17.7 L d'eau à 78.0°C
Ratio eau/grain de départ : 2.5 L/kg
pH cible : 5.4
pH : ________


Volume d'ébullition : 26.5 L
Temps d'ébullition : 80 minutes
Densité avant ébullition : 1.050
    Ajouter les : 23 g de Nugget
    Porter le moût à ébullition
    Minuteur 65 minutes
    Ajouter les : 5 g de Irish Moss
    Minuteur 5 minutes
    Ajouter les : 20 g de Fuggle
    Minuteur 10 minutes
    Faire refroidir le moût


Primaire : 14 jours à environ 19.0°C
Date de début : ____________________
Notes : _________________________________
Garde en bouteille : 30 jours à environ 18.0°C
Date de début : ____________________
Notes : _________________________________
Carbonatation : 2.0 volumes

DI est. : 1.050
DF est. : 1.013
Alcool est. : 4.9 % alc./vol.
EBC : 72
DI : __________
DF : __________
Alcool : __________ % alc./vol.
IBU : 44