Recette La bricole

  • 29 mars 2022
  • Style : Bière de Blé Américaine
  • Méthode : Tout grain
  • Fermentation : Blé
  • Volume : 41.0 L
  • Efficacité d'empâtage : 72 %
  • Efficacité de la brasserie : 71.2 %

Densité initiale
Densité finale
17 IBU
Ratio IBU/DI
5.4 %
Coût total

Céréales et sucres

Quantité Nom Malterie Forme Addition Couleur Proportions Coût total
4.7 kg CHÂTEAU WHEAT BLANC NATURE - bio Castle Malting® Grains Empâtage 2 EBC 47.5 % -
Features: Wheat malt. Kilned at up to 80 - 85°C.Characteristics: Enhances the peculiar taste of wheat beers. Château Wheat Blanc malt is essential in making wheat beers but is also used in barley malt-based beers (3–5%) thanks to its protein level that gives the beer a fuller mouthfeel and enhanced head stability.Usage: Wheat beers, white, light beers, beers with low or no alcohol. Recommended max. proportion: up to 30% of the mix.3.5 –5.5 EBC (European Brewing Convention)1.9 –2.6°L (Lovibond)Moisture % 5.5Extract (dry basis) % 83.0Wortcolour EBC (°L) 5.5 (2.6)Postcoloration EBC (°L) 7.5 (3.4)Total Protein (dry malt) % 14.0Soluble protein % 4.5- 5.5Viscositycp 1.9pH 5.8-6.1
4.7 kg Yec Hed Malt - Pilsen bio 3-5 EBC ( bio ) Grains Empâtage 2 EBC 47.5 % -
500 g Wheat, Flaked Grains Empâtage 1 EBC 5.1 % -
Flaked wheat adds to increased body and foam retentionUsed in place of raw or torrified wheat for faster conversion and better yield.May be used in small amounts to improve head retention and bodyExamples: Belgian White beer, Wit


Quantité Nom Forme Alpha Addition Temps IBU Coût total
11 g Simcoe 2019 Pellets 13.3 % Ébullition 60 minutes 9.4 -
High alpha bittering hops with good aroma characteristics.Used for: IPAsAroma: Citrus and pine-like aromaSubstitutes: N/A
20 g Hallertau Blanc 2019 Pellets 8.9 % Ébullition 10 minutes 4 -
Floral and fruity with passion fruit, grapefruit, pineapple, grape and lemongrass overtones. One of several new German varieties with bold flavor profiles, perfect for American-style Ales.Used for: American style aleSubstitutions: N/AStorage Unknown
15 g Aramis 2018 Pellets 5.3 % Ébullition 10 minutes 1.8 -
Very fine spice and herbal notes with subtle citrus characteristics. Closely resembling Strisselspalt, but with higher oil and alpha content.Used for: Belgian-style AlesSubstitutions: Willamette, Challenger, AhtanumStorage: Unknown
15 g Boadicea 2019 Pellets 8.1 % Ébullition 10 minutes 2.7 -
Released in 2004. Excellent for finishing and dry hopping.Used for: AlesAroma: Mild floral and spicy characteristics with slightly grassy overtonesSubstitutions: UnknownStorage: Unknown7-10% AA / 3-4% Beta
90 g Cascade 2020 Pellets 6.4 % Houblonnage à cru 0 minutes 0 -
A hops with Northern Brewers HeritageUsed for: American ales and lagersAroma: Strong spicy, floral, grapefruit characterSubstitutes: CentennialExamples: Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, Anchor Liberty Ale
Houblonnage à cru : 2.20 g/l


Quantité Nom Laboratoire Forme Coût total
50.275 ml US-05 Safale American DCL/Fermentis Sèche -
American ale yeast that produces well balanced beers with low diacetyl and a very clean, crisp end palate.

Efficacité d'empâtage : 72%

Ratio eau/grain de départ : 2.5 L/kg

pH : 5.4

    Concasser les grains
    Faire chauffer 24.8 L d'eau à 73.2°C
    Palier Mash In à 66°C pendant 60 minutes
    Filtrer et rincer les drêches avec 30.8 L d'eau à 75.6°C

Simple single infusion mash

Volume d'ébullition : 46.7 L

Temps d'ébullition : 60 minutes

Densité avant ébullition : 1.046

    Porter le moût à ébullition
    Ajouter les : 11 g de Simcoe 2019
    Minuteur 50 minutes
    Ajouter les : 20 g de Hallertau Blanc 2019, 15 g de Aramis 2018, 15 g de Boadicea 2019
    Minuteur 10 minutes
    Faire refroidir le moût

Primaire : 26 jours à environ 18.0°C

Secondaire : 4 jours à environ 4.0°C

Garde en bouteille : 30 jours à environ 19.0°C

Carbonatation : 2.3 volumes

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